Project Description
Influence operation by gamers stars of social networks, in order to recreate an attractive reference and re-attract the young generations in the mountains.
Generations Y & Z are losing interest in the mountains, according to the Pop Rock agency’s “Tout le monde dehors” study. This is a major challenge for tourism actors who are looking to renew their clientele.
At FEEL Experience, we have worked to respond to this strategic issue by defining 2 axes
- recreate an attractive image for our territories and its activities
- broadcasting messages on channels frequented by young people
Over the past few years, we have decoded the singularities of the exciting world of video games. Far from preconceived ideas, the gamer communities are normal young people: 69% practice a physical sport, 95% go out to bars and restaurants and have read between 1 and 5 books in the last 5 months.
We have developed a real expertise, by getting closer to major players in this constantly evolving market. With WSC Group, a group specialized in strategic management, communication, sports, lifestyle and gaming projects through adapted marketing and media levers; we are human-sized agencies that perfectly master their universe and codes. We share the same vision and together we are a force for innovative proposals.
Gamers are looking to diversify their content and entertain their communities through atypical experiences; mountain actors want to spread a positive and inspiring message to a captive audience. Our strategy to bring the gaming and mountain worlds together starts with this project. That’s why we welcomed e-sportsmen in the mountains: an innovative media visibility. The goal is to generate an emotional connection between their youth communities and the mountain destination.
Date : Decembre 2021
Place : Tignes
Client : Génération Montagne, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Tourisme
Partners : Tignes Développement & Ecole du Ski Français
Key figures
present on the bootcamp in Tignes
of live on the Twitch platform
on the Youtube vlogs
impressions of tweets during the stay